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Claire Lodahl, DVM A great audio tape for veterinarians, animal lovers, health professionals She's interviewed here by Dave Johnson. #471 from Blue Ribbon Video (800-533-2885.) top |
LIFE WITHOUT DISCOMFORT -- ALL ABOUT D.R.P. Willa Ann Lilly, MD, Medical Director of PNR This is the only audio tape I know of that explains the BEST approach to helping HUMANS most effectively use our company technology. It describes a combination of three strategies Dr. Lilly calls the Discomfort Relief Plan: 1--Internal: "Joint Compound" & perhaps "Liver Support" & Bio-Directed "Mineral/Vitamin" ... & of course, as of 10/00, we'd add PiMag Water ... depending on one's circumstances. 2--External: magnetics & far-infrared technology (best approach is a sleep system plus magnetic insoles & local pads depending on one's condition. 3--Mental: guided imagery. This last one is not necessary for horses, dogs & house plants. The other two technologies, separately or combined, always help every living cell & after three years of watching the responses of plants & animals, I know the only thing that can stand in the way of benefits for humans is a negative belief system, either at a conscious or subconscious level. The guided imagery is a powerful tool, as is information at the conscious level, such as audio/video tapes, 3-way calls with others who've experienced relief, Wellness Previews, World Conventions, etc. The free will is a wonderful thing ... and it makes humans the only living thing capable of acting against it's own self interest. This audio tape is recorded by an MD who used to operate pain clinics & has now found a better way to help her patient/clients. The information is excellent, the way she reads the material with what seems to me like phony emphasis made it difficult for me to hear. Also she says "discomfort" rather than "pain" & "relax pads" rather than magnetic & far-infrared technology ... and I suspect her belief system is still infected with the idea that doctors & drugs & food can heal (we've learned that only the body/mind can heal and the food and magnetics only provide the required energy and the drugs and docs only interfere with the body's healing efforts which the doctors call symptoms). After listening more than a dozen times & I'm still learning from this tape. Yes, I'd have preferred the tape were recorded by Marty Jeffrey or Bob Proctor; yes, there are what I consider errors in many parts of it, but .... the information is GREAT & effective... and no one else has had the ovarian fortitude to make this information available. Available from Physicians Neutriceutical Research, Inc., 32545 B Golden Lantern, Suite 226, Dana Point, CA 92629 (& probably thru BRV & others). top "The Dream Machine" - Wolfgang Sonnenburg Wolfgang, y'know, is Europe's largest Wellness Consultant & uses very gentle, third-party style ... & builds his teams using the military "Ropes Course" that Lou & I experienced in the Santa Cruz Hills last year with the Kotters, Wolfgang's great-great grandparents in our company. Excellent info. His audio tapes are wonderful! Great information for foreign markets and for people with a dream of World Peace, which is Wolfgang's mission. He generally speaks to people only about their friends, not about them! That way it's not threatening to them. Keeps it very simple & effective: 1--Determine what you want. 2--Decide what you're going to do to get it 3--Ask friends ( & later, strangers) for some time (he requests an hour) to tell them what you're going to do & request their help -- people like to help people) 4--Meet with these friends & tell them what you're going to do, that the plan requires a few people who are willing to work 3-5 years to become financially free for the rest of their lives & ask "do you know anyone who would like to do that? (never "Would YOU like to join me") I'm considering altering the last step in the Info Process so the question is not "What would it take for you to join me in this business?" but "Who do you know who'd like to join us in this business?" or Who would you talk to if you were looking for a few key leaders? When looking for retail or wholesale sales "Who do you know who needs this technology this month?" There are only three reasons people say no to our company Opportunity: 1--They already feel they're perfectly in balance & have no need for improvements in their lives. 2--They have inadequate information (THIS one is our job & we have powerful tools -- audio/video, Wellness Previews, demonstrations, Internet, 3-way calls, 3-way in-person visits, etc.) 3--Fear--this one's more difficult, perhaps recruit help from Jim Euler or Rob Jones? that's part of their business. top |
Healing Magnets - Sherry Kahn - #748-3 A guide for pain relief, speeding recovery and restoring balance. An ancient tool for modern times, boasting an impressive 80 percent success rate, magnets have been used as powerful healing tools for decades in Europe and Asia. A documented breakthrough healing technique, magnet therapy supports the body's natural inclination to return itself to a healthy state. Each - $11. OR ... you can save 20% & buy it at $9.60 by entering "Healing Magnets" in the Amazon box at the bottom of our homepage! top |
"How To Do a Lot with a Little"--Dennis Williams Another tape your people could listen to 20 times, then re listen once a week for a month, then once a month for a year, then once a year 'til you find a better one that includes all this info. That's the system I've used for this tape, and the Paul Zane Pilzer tape, and Dave Johnson's Telephone Mastery tape, etc. It tells exactly how our upline Royal Ambassadors built their businesses & how your people can do the same. Order from Randy Kaiser at The Idea Store, (800) 519-7473. Dennis starts with "ATTITUDE is everything." & quotes John Swindell:" Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it." Bob Proctor says Attitude is our Thoughts + Feelings + Behavior. The new Gold Training teaches Attitude + Belief x Commitment = Humans Being More This audio tape also includes an explanation of a concept Ruth developed for people who see the vision, see the value, want to make positive changes in their lives, seriously want to build a huge business & are willing to do what it takes but don't believe there's any way they can invest $2-5,000 to start their businesses: 1--Start with only the demo pack (#4220 @ $750), MagSteps (#2021 @$48), MagBoys (#1320 @ $48), KenkoCom (so they can get NEAT messages, fax-on-demand, access Conference Calls, operate the business) & $100/mo. AutoShip (so they're experiencing the nutritionals, modeling duplication for the people they sponsor). This starts their business for less than $1,000. 2--Sponsor two people each month at that $1,000 start-up level. 3--Teach each of those two to duplicate what you've done. Ruth has done the math for that simple three-step process (simple ... not easy; it takes doing the work but we're well compensated for the work & it's fun!). At the end of the fifth month, your friend would be a Gold distributor earning $15,000/month and it's likely that as the income arrives, your new person would invest some of it in more demo products, career packs, etc. to grow the business more effectively. Dennis also mentions involvement with other network marketing companies, saying that it's OK to buy high quality products from other companies & to recommend them to people you care about, but to be successful, stick to seriously working only ONE network business & in his 30 years MLM experience, there's nothing to compare with our company. My understanding of our company's policies on this issue: It's OK to join other network companies as long as they don't sell magnetic health products (e.g., Amway) & it's OK to recruit people you've directly sponsored into our company into those companies, but no other Nikken Wellness Consultants. Dennis says: "the products of other network companies aren't competitive with our company, but the opportunity (the business) is. Other businesses dilute your people's interest, focus & ability to build their new business .... you can't chase more than one rabbit at a time." top "Understanding the Compensation Plan" -- Colter Brinkley" I simply believed some people in the organization whom I respected & trusted that the compensation was the most generous, fair, moral & just in the business ... turns out, it IS! So I never understood it during our first year in our company. It didn't matter to me & no one asked me. Now lots of people ask, so I understand it well enough to 'splain it to others so they understand it. But rather than take my time, if you insist on learning this part of the business in detail, here's the only audio tape I know that covers it in all its boring magnificence. It's a pretty blue audio tape # AC410N from Colter's The Success Store, (800) 221-7567. Once you listen to this audio a few times, then let's talk about the minutiae & get your detail questions answered. Enjoy! top "Laser Focus" -- Dr. Fran Lynch "WOW! -- Fran Lynch, MD--this fellow is terrific--dunno how duplicable he is, but he's sure impressive & for health professionals, he sure has credentials & credibility!. It's obvious in this short audio that he's studied & integrated Zig Ziglar, Napoleon Hill, Bob Proctor, Marty Jeffrey, Dave Stoltzfus, James Allen, Wallace Wattles, Jack Zufelt, Steve Shapiro, Dave Johnson & he puts it all together flawlessly in record time, just as hes built his Diamondship! GREAT short audio, an interview conducted by Marlene Eborn, or is it Trish one of them WonderWomen! #167 from Blue Ribbon Video (800) 533-2885 top "Attitude & Action" -- Jeff VanBlaricum The former Les Schwab tire changer with unsuccessful experience in other networking companies, is our gift to you. Lou & I watched Jeff on stage in Toronto, August 2000, commit to about 7,000 of us that in order to earn the Royal Ambassador Level, he & his wife will "go Royal Diamond" again by July, 2002 by adding an additional 6 front level Platinum Wellness Consultants ... (exactly what Lou & plan to do & we'd given ourselves 'til 7/4/04 to do that) and they're inviting any of us who are willing to do what it takes to join them on that journey. Wanna come along? How? They committed to earn the Silver Level in August! How? Start 30 people into the Information Process ... and he tells exactly what he's doing on this set of four audio tapes now available from TeamTools (cat #725). top "Serving Your Way to The Top" -- Ed Wiens "Ever meet someone who's one of the nicest, most ambitious people on the planet, someone you know would love helping people with our company's technologies, who'd quickly embrace the concept of a Balanced Life thru the Five Pillars of health, but who wouldn't consider it due to a belief that money is the root of all evil, that rich people are necessarily evil, etc.. or have you already sponsored someone with the poverty mindset whose belief System won't allow them to succeed? (no accident it's abbreviated BS). Of course, the best remedy for that is a dozen experiences of Silver "Humans Being More" Training (CLIFF PLEASE LINK TO http://www.wynman.com/link4g.html), but have you ever met someone who refuses even to invest $250 in what could be the most life-improving adventure of their lives, next to discovering the religion that they think teaches poverty as a virtue? Here's a great audio tape that addresses that issue squarely, fairly & in the language that Christians and other devout humans can understand, presented in Montana by our favorite minister, Ed Wiens. Enjoy ... & perhaps find a way to pass it on to those friends. #127, Blue Ribbon Video, (800) 533-2885 top "I Used to Hurt All Over" -- Rebecca Abizaid "Know someone with achy joints? someone who's tired all the time? someone with sore muscles, an engineer or doctor-type person. This audio might help them take a look at our company's technology. features doctors & patients &I the last speaker is an engineer, Bob Deschner, whom Vincent Ardazzone introduced as the world's foremost expert on getting positive results with the products. Pretty good audio" #160--Blue Ribbon Video, (800) 533-2885 top "Moms & our company"-- Misc. Successful Mamas Know anyone with kids or animals who' d really like to build some balance into family life with the best home business on the planet ... and still be an even better Mom? I forgot to have kids but Lou made three of 'em that came as part of the dowry ... & I'm sure glad my folks had one! Ever wondered how successful Moms find time for our company so that our company can provide quality time, health & wealth for the family? #156 from blue Ribbon Video, 800.533-2885, or www.blueribbonvideo.com top Might want to order some "Teen Panel" audios to follow-up -- great demonstration of the positive effects our company has on teens, then "Young Entrepreneurs" to demonstrate how a bunch of young generation-X folks have managed to add three zeros to their age & earn that as their monthly income). As Kiyosaki & Pilzer say, the old advice of study hard, get a good job, stay with it you'll be rewarded just is no longer sound advice. Our company contributes to all lives in all Five Pillars of Health! top "Simplicity & Repetition"--Dave Johnson This is a very special tape, featuring Dave Johnson, a wonderful human, a personal mentor of mine and our company's top North American earner (over $400,000/MO!) being interviewed by Marlene Eborn, another personal mentor and friend and the designer of the All It Takes Process we use ... and hostess of the weekly Saturday Conference Calls (bring your friends with you & join us on that call by dialing (865) 362-4150, access code 5788#, Saturday, 8 AM Pacific Time). The first time I called Dave, 2/97, he told me exactly what's he says on this tape, which is also precisely what he told me when I called him in '99! This one short audio tape is really all your new people need in their first month or two to kickstart their new business. Just order a bunch (#134 at Blue Ribbon Video, (800) 533-2885, www.blueribbonvideo.com) & suggest they listen to it about 43 times. top "The Water Opportunity" Carl Palmer Audio tapes from our company - , #9240 We ordered #9241 10-pack to save $. Mama N has done it again! |
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