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For 30 years Lou & I have enjoyed the people and the technical aspects of dentistry & thru thousands of hours of study, research & DOING, we've become real good at it, especially the technical, cosmetic parts. It's fun & it's appreciated. It's been our life ... & will always be a good part of our lives. I've never felt proficient at nor really enjoyed the "business" end of dentistry. October 18, 1997, I finally figured out why! Preventive Dentistry--In '71, Lou & I became committed to Preventive Dentistry & built our dental practice in Carnelian Bay based on helping people have healthy mouths & not need us much. It's been a win for everyone. Standing on the shoulders of giants like Drs Jack Anderson, Bob Barkley & Omer Reed, our team succeeded. About '75, we realized that to have a healthy mouth, we gotta have a healthy body, so we progressed thru a decade of searching allopathic & dozens of "alternative" approaches to Optimum Health, still focused on the "therapy mentality" 'til discovering Natural Hygiene in '80 & beginning to LIVE it in '90, adding "Instinctive Living" in '93. CLICK HERE for more information. To learn more about dental health & eliminating your need for dental care than you ever wanted to know, CLICK HERE. New Goals--About '80, Lou & I had achieved all the goals we'd planned in the late 60's; we enjoyed operating the finest, most successful dental practice in the finest dental facility within 50+ miles. But ... it was not continuing to blossom into the "Premiere Practice" of my visions. For five years we "tried" lots of solutions & in '85 we began looking for ways OUT, 'til discovering Dr. Rick Kushner's Synergistic Partnership concept in '89. It's the win-win-win system of sharing North Shore Dental with multiple doctors we've used since 5/90. Those ten years here have been like life in a construction zone -- they were the most exciting, challenging, disappointing, rewarding, frustrating, exhilarating & devastating, inconvenient, challenging, energizing & sometimes painful parts of our lives. They included an exhaustive search for the long-term partner, involving hundreds of interviews with dentists who wanted to join us. Some of those interviews lasted several years & a few of those potential partners even shared NSD. Perhaps you've met some of those wonderful dentists. The search for the final partner ended in '95 when Dr. Don Reid discovered us and became our partner in August of '97. For DR. DON'S STORY , CLICK HERE. That same month many of the missing pieces turned up & I realized the source of 25 years of frustration in the "business" end of dentistry. >From day one in '72, I've always "tried" to operate the dental practice on a totally voluntary, win-win basis, referring to & treating those who chose to accept our care as "clients" rather than "patients" & those who've chosen to work with me as "team", never thinking of them as "employees". It's been a constant uphill battle. The results of 4-5 generations of government controlled media & schools has created a population who know only win/lose adversary relationships, who believe that in order to win, someone else must lose & that the only economic relationships are also win/lose, employee/employer, producer/consumer, etc.. Most modern Americans seem to be quite comfortable either wielding the "power" of "employer" or playing the role of the willing-slave "employee". My individualist Belief System (BS!) just doesn't fit with what was considered the "modern reality" of the corporate structure. CLICK FOR DETAILS. The relief I felt when Dr. Don took the leadership reins of NSD is probably what triggered the recent clarification in my thinking! Economics .... and life doesn't have to be lose-lose (I've noticed that "win/lose" is usually really "lose/lose" when long-term results are considered)! Philosophy & Economics--October '93, Frederick Mann, genius, mentor, friend & founder of Terra Libra, the world's first & only truly free country (I may have become the first citizen when I signed an early draft of our Code of Terra Libra!), started my re-education in the area of Network Marketing. CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS REGARDING TERRA LIBRA. Out of opinionated ignorance, I'd always viewed Multi-Level Marketing or Network Distribution, as a small step above purse-snatching. I thought MLM meant Many Losing Money, picturing garages full of pills & water filters, lying to friends about attending "Opportunity Meetings", etc.. Four years of study turned me around completely & 10/97 I realized that not only is Network Marketing the most effective method of getting something from a manufacturer to a user, it's also totally VOLUNTARY & the most moral, ethical and just method of distribution; the most evolved form of the free market! No employees, no employers, no hiring, no firing, no labor board. All relationships are completely voluntary & all transactions are completely win-win. If each party doesn't value what he's getting more than what he's giving, the transaction doesn't happen. Exactly the way I've always wanted to operate a dental practice! Balanced Living--Somewhere on our journey, we learned that Optimum Health requires more than just healthy body & in '97, our new businss taught us about the Five Pillars of Health, adding the requirements of healthy mind, family, community & finances! I hadn't thought of it that way before, but for a quarter century, I've listened to thousands of clients & other friends tell me that they can't AFFORD to eat right, can't afford to sleep enough, can't afford to restore their eating/smiling machine to optimum condition. In our "civilized" society, Optimum Health, including oral health, DOES require financial health! Our new businss also showed us that in addition to choosing healthful food, water, air, temperature & sun, we can also somewhat restore our magnetic environment & protect ourselves to some extent from electro-magnetic pollution, increase our quality of sleep, in fact allow our bodies to increase the efficiency of every one of our trillions of cells. My conclusion after many years studying the path to Optimum Health is that the single most important factor affecting MY health is SLEEP, that magic process when our body/mind works all its miracles of regeneration repair & healing. Who's our new businss? She's an amazing global improvement organization and the largest health products company in Japan, founded on the modest goal "World Health", supported by those five pillars of health. She's asked us to help build a distribution system in North America, the world's most needy market, health-wise and moved her entire World Headquarters to a magnificent edifice in Irvine, California. Lou & I have accepted the challenge & are having lots of fun helping lots of folks toward Optimum Health thru a balanced life while we're moving in that direction ourselves! AND, because of the nature of their leading-edge far-infrared, TENS & bio-magnetic technologies, they decided in '75 that the best way to get the stuff to their 40 million+ users is ... Networking!! What a coincidence! |
I will never quit dentistry -- I love it, it's been my life for 40 years & I'm getting pretty good at it. But our new businss adventure is the most worthwhile endeavor I've ever been involved with as a health professional, so 7/14/00, Lou & I begin a three-year sabbatical leave from dental practice for personal growth and to help our new businss build into North America, Europe and Australia. we find the timing irresistible. |
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