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Part 13
QUESTION 4 Y'ALL: Canker sores--What's your experience, thoughts, history? Here's an update on mine: These irritating painful lesions were a life-long experience for me pre-NH. They got worse with my childhood favorite lemon candy & they nearly disappeared from '60-'80 during my habitual use of Toscanelli cigars (mostly for the macho effect?). I believed what I was "taught" in school & figured that something in the smoke must kill the virus that caused the sores. I usta treat these for our clients with Negatol (very effective toxin), then, after learning "alternative medicine", I'd lecture folks that their arginine:lysine balance was outa wack & they were eating too many peanuts, etc. After discovering NH, it made sense that these sores were a body-produced detox route for eliminating poisons & that they "healed" with cigar smoke 'cause the toxins in the smoke entering the body thru the "aphthous ulcers" (as my dental training taught me to call 'em), was worse than the toxins the body was pushing out thru these holes, so the body closed, "healed" 'em. Now, thinking Instincto, I've been considering canker sores a "stop", or signal by the body to eat NO food. Seems to work. When they appear, if I ignore 'em & continue eating, they'll worsen 'til I fast. If I quit eating immediately when a lesion begins to appear, it's gone within a day & pigging out can resume with no problem. This is another interesting tool for curing my gluttony!

[Added 10/13/04]

Q. I have a client who suffers from terrible canker sores. Does anyone have any experience with this condition? Thanks!
Connie Choate, Fletcher, NC.

A. Yes, Connie, I suffered with canker sores during most of my youth & I found no way to control them 'til I began smoking Toscanelli cigars in my 20's. A quarter century later I learned that the toxins in the cigar smoke were potent enough to force my body to turn off the alarm, much like putting a pillow over the fire alarm or cutting the wires to it rather than putting out the fire. We humans are sometimes VERY slow learners!

After treating canker sores, aka, apthous ulcers, for 30 years in our dental practice, using everything from helping clients balance their amino acid balances (usually "quit eating so many peanuts for awhile") to painting all sorts of toxic crap on them ("Negatol" proved instantly effective at this), we finally came to understand that "canker sores" are a advanced form of "instinctive stop", a plea to quit poisoning it & give it a rest.

We found that canker sores are the body's rather violent demand to "quit feeding me, dammit!". When folks quit eating, drink 100% of their fluid intake in the form of Optimized PiMag Living Water, the canker sores generally vanish in a day or two & if feeding is resumed with only whole,natural uncooked, unprocessed food of one's biological adaptation, they do not recur. If, during this water fast, one remains horizontal upon a Dream Mattress, beneath a Dream Comforter, eyes closed, beneath a Kenko Sleep Mask, the healing occurs even more rapidly.

These suggestions are only what I'd do if it were MY mouth suffering from canker sores; I fully realize after 30 years that normal people would never consider living healthfully to be the cause of health & much prefer unhealthful living, then interfering with the healing process by application of Negatol or similar toxins.

For info on the instinctive living concepts, read the newly published "Genefit Nutrition", by Roman DiVivo & Antje Spors."--bob

[Mandibular tori shrinking]--Interesting; I've never seen that happen! The current theory is that the tori are an attempt by the body to strengthen the mandible in response to unfavorable lateral occlusal forces (from clenching & flexing teeth, usually during sleep). If true, mebbe your long rest allowed enough relaxation that you're no longer clenching & flexing teeth?

Nasal Sinuses & our History--Mebbe this is a bit dentally technical for this publication; perhaps it's interesting to someone? My partner, Dr. Don Reid, returned this month from a specialized CE course in St. Pete, FL & reported that he'd learned that in the skulls of primitive humans, the root tips of the upper teeth were never protruding into the nasal sinus cavities as they are on perhaps a majority of the clients we see. Dental x-rays (radiographs) routinely demonstrate root tips in the sinus cavities & I always thought it was a normal variation in individual anatomy; is seems to cause no problems -- unless teeth are lost & then there's not enough bone between the mouth & the sinus to place implants, so "sinus lift" surgical operations are often used to provide room for implants. If it is true that the skulls of primitive humans had no root tips in the sinuses (QUESTION 4 Y'ALL: Do any of you know?) it seems more likely that our modern sinus cavities are pathologically large or distended (perhaps in response to lifestyle, food & breathing practices) than to intrusion of teeth, as Drs Piper & Dawson believe. Interesting stuff. What would cause sinus cavities to enlarge & what would cause a genetic trait such as larger sinus cavities to be passed to progeny?

Question: Do you use or recommend any dietary supplements for dental health?

Answer: No.

Question: Have you read Dr. Weston Price's book on Physical Degeneration and Diet or his work on root canal treatments?

Answer: Probably.

What are your thoughts?I respect Price's & Page's integrity & research & agree with all of their conclusions that I presently recall. About 1980, I edited, revised & reprinted one of Dr. Price's articles re-titled "Beyond Brushing & Flossing" & mailed 'em to all my clients & have made them available in our reception room ever since. The piece is VERY well done & since '80 I believe NO ONE has ever complimented me on it or even asked about it! You Natural Hygiene folks are a decided minority. Even amongst the health-conscious immigrants to Lake Tahoe!

Question: What is the urine calcium phosphate Pacetti test you referred to in the M2M?

Answer: I don't remember. Dr. Bruce Pacetti studied the work of Price & Page & Pottenger (perhaps they're the three P's of balanced Body Chemistry?) & his materials can be obtained thru Nancy Appleton, PhD, 1021 19th Street #1, Santa Monica, CA 90403, (213) 453-9535. She's a wonderful person & author of "Kick the Sugar Habit", Avery Publishing Co., Garden City Park, NY.

Question: What sorts of sterile procedures do you use in your office?

Answer: Anything that can be autoclaved has been autoclaved since the office opened in Ô72. That means everything but plastic and rubber stuff. Much of that stuff's currently thrown out after every use, inundating our landfills for no one's benefit but the manufacturers of the plastic and rubber items. Autoclavable handpieces became available a few years ago and we bought a dozen of Ôem at $500+ each. The AIDS hysteria engineered by our government in covering up the facts of the ONE case where they tried to prove unintentional AIDS transmission by a health care professional to a patient in a health care office (Dr. Acer/Kim Bergalis Florida case) has cost everyone LOTS of big bucks, LOTS of inconvenience and LOTS of loss of control of your lives due to an ever more oppressive government (Did you realize that Janet Reno, aka "Murderess of Waco", was also instrumental in the government cover-up of the real details of the Acer case? Yup, she was in the Florida gummint structure back then.). Plastic stuff that can't be autoclaved and is to be reused is chemically disinfected.

Question: Is the sterilizing water filtered?

Answer: I've never used water to sterilize anything. Rather than steam, which rusts instruments & makes them dangerous to use, our autoclave uses toxic chemicals that pollute our air and are very effective at killing micro organisms. Our cold disinfecting solutions are probably diluted with unfiltered water.

Question: Do you believe in the value of testing to see which dental materials are most suited to a patient? (Several hundred materials are placed in a blood sample to observe any immune or antibody reactions). For example, the Huggins Group testing, or that of the Clifford Clinic in Colorado. Which, if either, of these two is better?

Answer: No, I don't believe these tests have much value unless a client is knowledgeable of them and strongly believes they're valuable. THEN they ARE extremely valuable and I'd not use ANY substances in caring for that person without negative test results first.

Question: Do you think teeth should be cleaned by a dental hygienist? How often?

Answer: I've only been in this biz since Ô63 and still don't know what "cleaning" means in this context. If it means removing the plaque, that should be done every 24 hours, Ôcause that's how long it takes the plaque to colonize to the point where it's toxins can damage the teeth and gums. Doesn't matter if it's done by a hygienist or a hog farmer, as long as it's done meticulously. If "cleaning" means removing the stains on the teeth so the teeth look pretty, there's no need to do that at all to achieve optimum dental health. If having white teeth is important to the owner of the teeth, then a hygienist could remove those stains and/or the teeth could be bleached whenever the teeth's owner liked.

If there's periodontal (gum) disease present, deep pockets between the gums and teeth, heavy buildups of calculus (tartar), bleeding, pus, etc. and the mouth's owner doesn't wanna live healthfully &/or fast or has fasted without desired results, then THERAPY oughta be provided, not CLEANING. Most dental offices offer "Soft Tissue Management Programs" for these cases to hopefully avoid surgery. These therapy sessions are usually 1-3 weeks apart, then Òmaintenance" visits every 1-3 months. Even folks living a Natural Hygiene lifestyle might need those services at first to eliminate accumulated deposits resulting from their pre-healthful days & may need such intervention for life if their periodontal apparatus has deteriorated beyond its ability to repair & maintain itself.

Question: Can you please comment on Bob Avery's M2M recommendations about the daily use of 60-150 mg of CoQ10 and 1g freeform ascorbic acid with meals for the treatment of gum disease and reversal of periodontal pocket formation? And also on Bob's mention of Pyoredol, a French toothpaste that promotes gum tissue growth.

Answer: No and no. After 25 years studying drugs and therapies and using 'em for myself & others for 30 years from '75-'90 I ate 12-15 GRAMS of powdered vitamin C nearly every day & was convinced it was providing great benefit), I've quit studying them and have quit using them for myself. I still use a few for sick folks and those three are not those I use.

Question: Why do many fruitarians have bad teeth? Is it due to anything more than poor dental hygiene?

Answer: OPINION ONLY--I don't even know if that statement's true, Ôtho I suspect it is: Due to combination of the artificially hybridized Òfruits" available today, more like Òhealth food candy" than food (I'm told that natural fruits have about the sugar content of our modern vegetables) plus the Òfact" that our bodies are not capable of handling a large % of the diet as sugar, plus fruitarians probably think they're living so pure that floss and brush are unnecessary (I thought that while degenerating on an all-sweet fruit diet early in Ô90)

Question: Do you recommend acid fruit or its juice to your patients? Do you advise them to drink the juice through a straw so it doesn't contact the teeth?

Answer: I don't recommend any foods or drugs unless folks ask and are genuinely interested. VERY few are interested. To those very few, I recommend eating whole natural foods, as unprepared as possible. That eliminates juices and also usually eliminates any remaining interest in asking further questions.

[Acid foods, tooth brushing & remineralization]--"New" from Rory Hume, DDS, Australian dentist & S. Cal dental professor: acid foods (citrus, processed drinks) will open dentinal tubules, increase sensitivity & soften teeth for a few hours, enough that vigorous brushing will wear away teeth. He recommends NOT brushing within 1-2 hrs of eating acid foods. He also verifies from considerable research that teeth DO remineralize if not continuously subjected to the acids from bacterial plaque (keep 'em meticulously clean once every 24 hrs). This re-mineralization is microscopic; doesn't mean big holes in teeth will re-build.

Question: Would you please address gum disease? My dentist, or rather one I've been to a few times, I don't want to stay with him, tells me I need expensive periodontal gum treatments. My gums are receding from my teeth in some places.

Answer: You're in abundant company. Gum disease is the most popular way to lose teeth 'cause it's relatively painless 'til the advanced stages & takes no effort to acquire.

Question: What in the diet may be causing this problem and why can't diet change and brushing take care of this?

Answer: An excess of sweet fruit can feed the plaque that produce the toxins that injure the gums and any Ònon-foods" in the diet can do the same. I'd define those Ònon-foods" as toxins and they include anything other than whole natural unprocessed fruits, veggies, nuts and seeds. The chief dietary cause of proliferation of the toxin-producing bacteria is America's favorite drug: sucrose. Brushing can reach about 90% of the surfaces of the teeth in a healthy mouth and de-plaque them. Floss is necessary for that other 10%, and that 10% causes over half the damage (between the teeth and beneath the gums). If you have pockets between your gums and teeth deep enough that you can't meticulously de-plaque once a day and your body won't heal that situation by fasting and hygienic living, then your dentist's suggested Soft Tissue Management Program is probably the most conservative way to gain the access to remove the cause of the disease. CONTINUE


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